Digital dataset of Land cover of Afghanistan. This dataset is acquired from International Geosphere & Biosphere (IGBP), USGS and has 1KM spatial resolution.
Digital polygon dataset of Community Forest area Boundary of Charnawati Watershed, Dolakha, Nepal. This dataset iscreated using GeoEye 0.5 meter spatial resolution satellite image of November 2009 an..
Digital polygon dataset of Hotels and Lodges of Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geograp..
Digital polygon data of Ward Boundary of Kayar Khola Watershed, Chitwan, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geograph..
Monthly mean precipitation of September 2001 of Nepal. This dataset is created using actual averages precipitation using Win-surfer and GIS-arc/info software packages. The mean values were derived fr..
The HKH Region Climate data were derived from WorldClim(, This map layer shows precipitation of coolest quarter for the period of 1950-2000.
Monthly mean precipitation of February 2001 of Nepal. This dataset is created using actual averages precipitation using Win-surfer and GIS-arc/info software packages. The mean values were derived fro..
Digital line dataset of Elevation Contours of Charnawati River Watershed, Dolakha, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from Nationa..
Digital line dataset of Mountaineering Treks of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area, Pakistan. The dataset shows trekking route in the Karakoram and Hindukush mountain region as identified ..
Digital line dataset of Utilities (Power Line, underground pipeline and above ground Pipeline) of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. This dataset is Basic Vector layer derived from ESRI Map & Data 20..