Digital dataset of Land Cover change between 1990 and 2000 of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area, Pakistan. This dataset is derived from the LandSat satellite imagery of 1990 and 2000 to sho..
Digital point data of Settlement locations of Ludhi Khola Watershed, Gorkha, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geog..
The HKH Region Climate data were derived from WorldClim(, This map layer shows mean temperature of driest quarter for the period of 1950-2000.
Digital polygon dataset of location of Gyoko lake of Nepal. This dataset is created using Landsat TM, IRS and IKONOS satellite imageries under ICIMOD partnership with Wetlands International, ARGEOPS ..
Digital polygon dataset of Students per District population of Afghanistan. This dataset is basic Vector layer derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIMS), Afghanistan.
Digital point dataset of Location Protected Areas of Afghanistan. This dataset is created using 1:1,000,000 scale map of Afghanistan and derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIM..
The dataset showing support practice factor of Koshi basin. It represents the soil conservation operations or other measures that control the erosion. It is measured as the ratio of soil loss with a ..
Digital polygon data of Watershed Boundary of Kayar Khola Watershed, Chitwan, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geo..
Digital polygon dataset of Geographic regions of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. This dataset is basic vector layer derived from ESRI Map & Data in 2001.