The HKH Region Climate data were derived from WorldClim(, This map layer shows maximum temperature of warmest month for the period of 1950-2000.
Digital point data of Spot height locations of Kayar Khola Watershed, Chitwan, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Ge..
Annotation of River names of of Afghanistan. This dataset is basic Vector layer derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIMS), Afghanistan.
Digital line dataset of Water bodies of Charnawati River Watershed, Dolakha, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geog..
Digital grid data of Hill-shade of Ludhi khola Watershed, Gorkha, Nepal. This dataset is created using
Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geographic Info..