Digital polygon dataset of Village Development Committee, VDC Boundary of Lamjung district, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 50,000acquired from Department of S..
The HKH Region Climate data were derived from WorldClim(, This map layer shows minimum temperature of coolest month for the period of 1950-2000.
Digital polygon dataset of Ward Boundaries of Charnawati River Watershed, Dolakha, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from Nationa..
Digital point dataset of Hotels of Central Karakoram National Park(CKNP) area, Pakistan. This dataset is compiled through GPS based field survey conducted in year 2008.
Digital polygon dataset of School density per District of Afghanistan. This dataset is basic Vector layer derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIMS), Afghanistan.
Digital polygon data of Land use of Ludhi Khola Watershed, Gorkha, Nepal. This data is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geographic Inform..
Large landslide dams are one of the most disastrous natural phenomena in mountainous regions all over the world Such dams are formed most commonly in tectonically active settings where high mountains..
Digital polygon data of ecology (elevation and vegetation zones) of Nepal. This dataset is prepared based on Dobremez Maps series published in France from dated 1970 to 1985. The information was gene..
Digital point dataset of Location of Health posts of Afghanistan. This dataset is created using 1:1,000,000 scale map of Afghanistan and derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIM..