Digital polygon dataset of Students Teacher Ration per District of Afghanistan. This dataset is basic Vector layer derived from Afghanistan Information Management Systems (AIMS), Afghanistan.
This checklist contains a total of 75 species of medicinal plants documented from the China part of Kailash Sacred Landscape. This information has been collated from feasibility assessment report of ..
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Bhutan. This dataset is created using ASTER image with 30 m spatial resolution. The data was prepared for the analysis of attitudinal Variation and Land Cover Classes.
Bangladesh is one of the most flood affected country in the world. The frequency, intensity and duration of floods has been increased during last few decades. Due to increased population settlements ..
Digital table data of Decadal Population Growth Estimates of Koshi Basin. This dataset is created using population census (2001 and 2011) at district level and comprise estimates at district, nationa..
Average data for Whole Indus from year 1981 to 1990 for the month of January in ASCII format. It is an Aphrodite data with 0.25 resolution in x and y direction.
The APHRODITE project develops state-..
Digital polygon data of Village Development Committee, VDC Boundary of Kayar Khola Watershed, Chitwan, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 a..
Digital polygon dataset of Sub Watershed boundaries of Bhutan. This dataset is extracted using the SRTM DEM. The boundaries were refined using LandSat images of 30m resolution. The watershed boundari..
A comparison between male and female population residing in the Koshi Basin Districts in various parameters shows more male population who have higher literacy rate, higher rate of land and house own..