Digital polygon dataset of Crop production of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. This dataset is basic vector layer based on LGED Administrative Base Map and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) ..
Digital line dataset of International Boundary of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. This dataset is basic vector layer based on LGED Administrative Base Map of Bangladesh.
Daily mean sunshine duration of July 2001 of Nepal. This dataset is created using actual daily sunshine averages using Win-surfer and GIS-arc/info software packages. The mean values were derived from..
Digital grid dataset of monthly maximum temperature (October) for the period of 1950-2000 of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. The dataset is derived from WorldClim (, and ..
Digital line dataset of River network of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area, Pakistan. This dataset is created using topographic sheet maps at scale of 20000.
Digital grid dataset of monthly mean temperature (November) for the period of 1950-2000 of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. The dataset is derived from WorldClim (, and ma..
Digital grid dataset of monthly precipitation (November) for the period of 1950-2000 of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. The dataset is derived from WorldClim (, and major..