    1369 Record(s) found
  • Geology of Myanmar
    Digital polygon data of Geology of Myanmar. This dataset is created using 1:250,000 scale map of Myanmar published by Department of Survey of Myanmar.
  • Annual Mean Minimum Temperature for Pakistan
    Digital polygon dataset of Annual Mean Minimum Temperature for Pakistan. The dataset is derived from Digital Chart of the world, DCW. The data layer is generated through interpolation of average mont..
  • Aspect of Koshi Basin
    Digital grid dataset of Aspect of Koshi Basin. This dataset is created using SRTM DEM 90 meter spatial resolution data.
  • Stream of Bhaktapur Municipality
    Stream(polyline) dataset of Bhaktapur Municipality for the Geo-visualization on emergency response in case of earthquake disaster.
  • Fault Lines of Kathmandu Valley Nepal
    Digital line data of Fault lines of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. This dataset is created using geological Map of 1,000,000 scale published by Department of Mines and Geology in 1994.
  • Trees of Bhaktapur Municipality
    Trees(point) dataset of Bhaktapur Municipality for the Geo-visualization on emergency response in case of earthquake disaster.
  • Settlements of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP), Pakistan.
    Digital point dataset of Settlement locations of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area, Pakistan. This dataset is created using topographic sheet maps at scale of 20000.
  • Mountain Peaks of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP), Pakistan.
    Digital point dataset of Mountain peak locations of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area, Pakistan. This dataset is created using topographic sheet maps at scale of 20000.
  • Schools of Kathmandu Valley Nepal
    Digital point dataset of Location of Schools of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geographic Info..
  • Contour of Kathmandu Metropolitian City
    Contour(polyline) dataset of Kathmandu Metropolitian City for the Geo-visualization on emergency response in case of earthquake disaster.