The database contains occurrence records of the alien plants of Nepal based on the herbarium specimens that have been deposited at the National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH) of the Departme..
This dataset lists 21 species of Mistletoes compiled from literature resources as indicated in the dataset. Mistletoes constitute a polyphyletic group of flowering parasitic plants and are commonly k..
Gamma Ray Station close to Yala Basecamp measuring Snow Water Equivalent as well as radiation (shortwave and longwave radiation) and distance to surface/snow depth
Eddy Covariance Station measuring turbulent fluxes on Yala Glacier to study sublimation of snow and ice. The setup was installed at the main AWS on Yala Glacier.
AWS on Yala Glacier, measuring all atmospheric variables. The station was moved in 2018 as it fell over and was damaged. New coordinates are provided in the Station_Detail file.