Digital line dataset of River Network of Khagrachari District of Bangladesh. This dataset is basic vector layer prepared based on LGED Administrative Base Map of Bangladesh.
Digital polygon dataset of Sub District Boundary of Bangladesh. This dataset is basic vector layer based on LGED Administrative Base Map of Bangladesh.
Digital grid dataset of monthly mean temperature (March) for the period of 1950-2000 of Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) Region. The dataset is derived from WorldClim (, and major..
Digital point dataset of location of Hydrological Stations of Koshi Basin. The dataset is created based on data from Department of Hydrology & Meteorology, Nepal.
Digital polygon data of water areas location in Kathmandu valley, Nepal. This dataset is created using Topographic sheet data at scale of 25,000/50,000, of 1995 acquired from National Geographic Info..
Digital polygon dataset of River Network of Khagrachari District of Bangladesh. This dataset is basic vector layer prepared based on LGED Administrative Base Map of Bangladesh.