Alien Flora of Nepal at KATH

Versão 1.1 published by Department of Plant Resources, MoFE, Government of Nepal on set 21, 2020 Department of Plant Resources, MoFE, Government of Nepal
Publication date:
21 de Setembro de 2020
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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The database contains occurrence records of the alien plants of Nepal based on the herbarium specimens that have been deposited at the National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH) of the Department of Plant Resources, Ministry of Forest and Environment, Kathmandu, Nepal. The species included are invasive as well as non-invasive naturalized species. It has records of 133 alien species included in 3513 herbarium records. The digitization and publication process of this database was supported by Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA; project no. BIFA3_025) program of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) funded by Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan.

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Os dados deste recurso de ocorrência foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 3.513 registros.

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Como citar

Lembre-se, esta é uma versão antiga do dataset.  Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

KATH (National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories, DPR) (2019): Alien Flora of Nepal at KATH. v1.1. Department of Plant Resources, MoFE, Government of Nepal. Dataset/Occurrence.


Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:

O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Department of Plant Resources, MoFE, Government of Nepal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 95a336b6-e4f6-401d-9cbe-a4aef935d82b.  Department of Plant Resources, MoFE, Government of Nepal publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por Participant Node Managers Committee.


Occurrence; Specimen


KATH (National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories, DPR)
Research officer
977 1 5174047
Sajita Dhakal
  • Provedor De Conteúdo
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
Research officer
National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories, DPR
977 1 5174047

Cobertura Geográfica

A country in Asia located between India and China

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [25,523, 79,343], Norte Leste [31,072, 89,648]

Cobertura Taxonômica

Flowering plants that are naturalized in Nepal

Filo Tracheophyta (Flowering plants)

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 1926-03-06 / 2018-06-14

Dados Sobre o Projeto

A research project on Mobilizing occurrence data of the alien and endemic plant species of Nepal was implemented by the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University (CDB TU), Kathmandu and the Department of Plant Resources (DPR), Ministry of Forest and Environment, Government of Nepal, in association with Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. The CDB TU is managing Tribhuvan University Central Herbarium (TUCH) and the DPR is managing National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH). Herbarium specimens that have been deposited at TUCH and KATH were digitized (photography and data capturing).

Título Mobilizing occurrence data of alien and endemic plant species of Nepal
Identificador BIFA3_025
Financiamento The main funding for this project (BIFA3_025) came from the Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA) program of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) which was funded by Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan. Co-funding came from the Central Department of Botany (Tribhuvan University), Department of Plant Resources, and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (UK).
Descrição da Área de Estudo This work covered the entire area of Nepal which lies between India and China in Asia. The country has been divided into three ecological regions: western (west of 83 degree east longitude), central (between 83 and 86.5 degree east longitude) and eastern (east of 86.5 degree east longitude). Politically, the country has been also divided into 77 districts (previously 75 districts). During this project, we digitized herbarium specimens of the flowering plants (limited to alien and endemic plants) collected since 1925 AD.
Descrição do Design The aim of the project was to digitize and publish occurrence data of the alien and endemic plants of Nepal based on the herbarium specimens. The project started with the preparation and validation of the checklist of the alien and endemic plant species of Nepal. We finalized the checklist of 179 alien species and 313 species of endemic species. Herbarium specimens of these species that have been deposited at Tribhuvan University Central Herbarium (TUCH) and National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH) were sorted out and identification confirmed with the help of taxonomic experts. In each herbarium specimen, barcode and institutional stamp were put. In addition, color chart and scale were put at the time of the photography of the specimens. We used camera at TUCH and scanner at KATH for capturing image of the specimens. Information associated with each specimen were entered in database using MS excel and formatted according to the Darwin Core Standard.

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Mohan Siwakoti
  • Pesquisador Principal
Sanjeev Kumar Rai
  • Autor
Suresh Kumar Ghimire
  • Autor
Kalpana Sharma Dhakal
  • Autor
Sajita Dhakal
  • Autor
Subash Khatri
  • Autor

Métodos de Amostragem

Using the checklist of alien flowering plants of Nepal (179 species), herbarium specimens deposited at National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH) were checked and sorted out. Identification of the specimens were checked and verified by taxonomic experts. All the herbarium specimens of the alien plant species were photographed and related information were captured.

Área de Estudo The database includes the occurrence records of the alien (invasive as well as non-invasive naturalized species) plants of Nepal based on the herbarium specimens that have been deposited at National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH), Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal. The specimens were collected from different part of Nepal by Nepalese and foreign researchers.
Controle de Qualidade Identification of plants were confirmed by taxonomic experts of the project team. In situation when geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) were absent in the original records, geo-referencing was done but this was limited to only those specimens which has sufficiently detail description of the collection localities. We also used information available in the website of the Flora of Nepal ( for geo-referencing some locations. The geographic coordinates obtained from the geo-referencing were presented up to two digit after decimal point. Entire data were managed in Darwin Core Standard format.

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. Using the checklist of the alien flowering plants of Nepal (179 species), herbarium specimens deposited at National Herbarium and Plant Laboratories (KATH) were checked and sorted out. Identification of the specimens were checked and verified by taxonomic experts. All the herbarium specimens of the alien plant species were photographed and related information were captured. In situation when geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) were absent in the original records, geo-referencing was done but this was limited to only those specimens which has sufficiently detail description of the collection localities. We also used information available in the website of the Flora of Nepal ( for geo-referencing some locations. The geographic coordinates obtained from the geo-referencing were presented up to two digit after decimal point. Data were captured by research assistants. The raw data were checked for uniformity of the format and accepted scientific names including author citation. Entire data was managed in Darwin Core Standard format in the template that was available online in GBIF. OccurrenceID was designed by combining institution code (i.e. KATH), district code (two letters for each district; for example KT for Kathmandu district) and bar code number with colon in between them. We considered 75 districts in Nepal (In current system the number of districts is 77 but all the herbarium collections mentioned district according to 75 district system). In situation when district was not known and geographic coordinates were absent, we used ‘NP’ (which stands for ‘Nepal’) instead of district code in the OccurrenceID. We mentioned ecological regions (eastern Nepal, central Nepal and western Nepal) under the heading of ‘stateProvince’ and district name under ‘county’ in the DwC format. Before starting publication, the database was validated and inconsistencies identified during validation were fixed by checking raw data and original specimens. When data was ready, we communicated with data hosting institution which has installed Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). Earlier to this, we registered the organization as data published in GBIF.

Metadados Adicionais

Propósito The database has been developed and published to fill geographic gap of the freely available occurrence data of plants and inform policy process for the conservation of biodiversity. Specifically, the database helps to meet Nepal’s commitment to make biodiversity data available as a part of Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Descrição da manutenção Database will be updated when needed and resources to do that is available.
Identificadores alternativos 95a336b6-e4f6-401d-9cbe-a4aef935d82b