Description of M*D10A1GL06 data product "Improved daily MODIS TERRA/AQUA Snow and Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI6.0) data for High Mountain Asia (2002-2019)" The data is daily improved Terra and Aqua combined snow product generated from Terra and Aqua MODIS daily data Collection 6 (C6) (M*D10A1) merged with Randoph Glacier Inventory Version 6.0 (RGI6.0) for High Mountain Asia between 2002 and 2019. The data is described in Ordinal dates simliar as in The data is described by the values 25, 50, 198, 199, 200, 238, 239, 240, 242, 248, 249, 250, and 252. Following is the description of values in the improved combined snow product 25: No Snow classes 50: Cloud 198: Snow only in Terra 199: Snow only in Aqua 200: Snow in both Terra and Aqua 238: Debris-covered ice with Terra Snow 239: Debris-covered ice with Aqua Snow 240: Exposed debris-covered ice 242: Debris-covered ice with Snow in both Terra and Aqua 248: Debris-free ice with Terra Snow 249: Debris-free ice with Aqua Snow 250: Exposed debris-free ice 252: Debris-free ice with snow in both Terra and Aqua